SIRON Dry Deluge Testing

Deluge systems, water spray systems, watermist systems, foam systems and compressed-air-foam systems require yearly obligatory testing. Since these open extinguishing systems are the primary care in case of fire, it’s testing is a bare necessity for both human and equipment (and environment).


of Deluge systems with water may causes an array of problems and difficulties
  1. It is a very time consuming process
  2. Deluge testing is a costly business
  3. Wet testing causes corrosion and/or salt crusting and growth of organisms in flow pipes and nozzles
  4. Spray of sea water over the entire production facility is a hazard for the expensive processing equipment
  5. The excess of waste water will flood the sump tanks
  6. During testing the production process of oil and gas will come to a halt
  7. Trapped water can freeze at low tempuratures.


of the SIRON Dry Deluge Test
  1. Segmented testing of the deluge system results in only minor disruption of the operating process
  2. Leakage of flow pipes is easier to spot
  3. Residual water from former tests will be blown out of the deluge system
  4. No sea water will spray on to expensive process equipment
  5. Sump tanks will not overflow due to extra waste
  6. Preparation for Dry Deluge Testing is considerably shorter and cheaper than with wet tests
  7. No new corrosion will grow in flow pipes and nozzles
  8. No new salt crust will form inside flow pipes and nozzles
  9. No new organism growth, for example seashells, which will thrive in flow pipes
  10. Locate trapped water in the deluge piping.
siron deluge services dry deluge testing
siron deluge services inspection blocked nozzle 04
siron deluge services dry deluge testing
siron deluge services dry deluge testing
siron deluge services dry deluge testing
siron deluge services dry deluge testing and wet test

The patented Dry Deluge Test from SIRON Fire Protection Services eliminates many of the regular problems. It uses pressurised smoke in stead of sea water. Any flow problem in pipes and nozzles will be proven and can be established in an easy and cost reducing way.

SIRON Fire Protection Services will bring a fully equipped container on board of the platform. This work platform contains it’s own independent vacuum compressor, the Dry Deluge Test facility and tools & equipment for immediate repair of the deluge system.

Please visit the Dry Deluge Testing website for more detailed information.

Go to Dry Deluge Testing website

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